
My Muse the Moon

Super MoOn Extravaganza

Join me in celebration. Dance, Sing, Howl or whatever else you do.

Post links to showing how you celebrated the full moon this month


She's wrapped in Starskin hiding in the Sea--

I finished the Julia story way under the NaNoWriMo goal, but it was finished. I'm taking a break from Julia's crazy world to edit something else I've finished. It helps me to have more than one project to shuffle between.

So the next project will be to do the edits on my steampunk novel. I've gotten about halfway through. I'm still debating on whether I want to leave the Rali and Finn in the story. I believe they have their own story to tell. This just means more editing for me to extract their chapters from the original draft and then to extract them from the main plot. It will work.

The Flowers of Revolution--working title
First draft written in a frenzy fueled by no sleep, dr. pepper, and adhd. I apologize to those of you who have the original draft to read.

Second draft 50% (if I keep Rali and Finn) 0% (if I give them their own story)
 The incredibly bad pretend cover I did for it when I started it. It makes me laugh. I will be experimenting with covers, titles, wallpapers, and playlists until I get the right combination for greatness.

Either my interwebs or blogger is driving me crazy at the moment, so I will update later with a synopsis and character profiles....maybe.


NaNoWriMo Day 13 & 14

I met my goal of 2000 words today. That is good.

I have just been writing little snippets of scenes (mostly because my brain is in a million different places right now). It seems to be working.

Short intense scenes are easy. Transitioning between those scenes not so much. I like to write vignettes. They seem more natural.

I tend to do the same thing when I'm reading. I skip the transition parts and go straight for the action. Most of the time this works fine. I've even skipped everything but dialog and the action tags that go with them. It just depends on the writer.

I'm behind on my word count, but it's still doable.

I've lost all sense of time and order in my novel. I write what ever bits call to me.
I skipped from the most recent event to the first days and then back to somewhere near the end. Later I am sure I will regret this but until then...at least it's working again.

What kind of plants do you think someone could find  being thrown out by people?
I have roses. People tend to throw them out when they stop blooming and go dormant. They should just cut them back.

Suggestions...Julia is building a garden of rescued and stolen plants.

Also Suggestions for a new name for her. I can't remember why I chose Julia, but it is beginning to annoy me.

Also, Also Name Suggestions for the Shadow Man would be appreciated.


NaNoWriMo Days 9, 10, 11, & 12

One would think that only working a couple days a week for training would give you plenty of time to write. I find it causes too much static in my brain. I need distraction. I worry every second of every day whether I will have enough money to feed myself tomorrow.

All of this worry leaves no real room for creativity. Sure I have pristine bursts of it, and they are beautiful and cherished. Unfortunately, writing takes more than bursts.

I have been distracted lately by two other stories I want to work on. One I have finished all my thoughts on for the moment and can continue on with my current NaNo. I at least have some ideas for next year or next month. We will see.

Every Year I make a soundtrack for my novel. These songs do not necessarily reflect my personal preference, but they do apply to the story and characters I am writing about. After the Official Soundtrack I throw in some other music for background noise, mostly instrumentals and high energy techno. It is all part of my process. I always need something to focus the distracting parts of my brain.

1. Porcelain~Better Than Ezra
2. Shimmer~Fuel
3. Fireflies~Owl City
4. Follow You Into the Dark~Death Cab for Cutie
5.Such Great Heights~Postal Service
6. Forever~Papa Roach
7. Black Velvet~Alannah Myles
8. Make You Mine~Heater Nova
9. Where the Wild Roses Grow~Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue
10. Her Diamonds~Rob Thomas


NaNoWriMo Day 8

Finished typing up all the bits I have handwritten.

I definitely like the way the plot can be pieced together from random things like picture captions. It helps with the crazy.

Somethings to be added to the story....zoo, botanical garden, day of the dead parade.

If you have any ideas about other things people write on or in feel free to suggest them.

I have:
journal entries
dream journals
the back of pictures
the front of pictures
margins of flyer/paper
brown paper bags

Other ideas:
index cards
inside books
body parts
gathered stones
carved into trees


NaNoWriMo Day 6 and 7= 11,729 words

Yesterday was hard. I don't even want to think about it right now.

Today was golden. I'm caught up to the NaNo word count, but not to my own. I should get there soon though.

I changed from third person limited to first person and everything fell into place. The story works so much better in first person. I have no idea why I tried to force it into 3rd.

I've added in some fun stuff: journal entries, song lyrics, letters, messages written to Julia and from Julia. It has made the writing more fun. The extras have also helped me to figure her out and to get a real sense of the world for the first time.

It's a cruel world, and she is tender girl.

Tomorrow I think she will go to the zoo or aquarium. I'll enjoy writing it and hopefully she will enjoy going.


NaNoWriMo Day 5--8371 words

Well, I'm glad I was a day ahead. I made my word count goal today, but I did not write that many words. Tomorrow is another day.

My usual writing time was taken up by work today, so tomorrow I will be getting up early and writing till noon. Then I clean up the house until work strikes again.

Julia's in the hospital with burns. She will have some dream time stuff happening soon. The shadow man has disappeared for the moment, but he will be back. This is the beginning of Julia's descent into madness.

Next stop Crazy Town.

Tomorrow's goal is 10,000 words. I want to be at 12, 000 before I sleep. Wish me luck.