
NaNoWriMo Day 13 & 14

I met my goal of 2000 words today. That is good.

I have just been writing little snippets of scenes (mostly because my brain is in a million different places right now). It seems to be working.

Short intense scenes are easy. Transitioning between those scenes not so much. I like to write vignettes. They seem more natural.

I tend to do the same thing when I'm reading. I skip the transition parts and go straight for the action. Most of the time this works fine. I've even skipped everything but dialog and the action tags that go with them. It just depends on the writer.

I'm behind on my word count, but it's still doable.

I've lost all sense of time and order in my novel. I write what ever bits call to me.
I skipped from the most recent event to the first days and then back to somewhere near the end. Later I am sure I will regret this but until then...at least it's working again.

What kind of plants do you think someone could find  being thrown out by people?
I have roses. People tend to throw them out when they stop blooming and go dormant. They should just cut them back.

Suggestions...Julia is building a garden of rescued and stolen plants.

Also Suggestions for a new name for her. I can't remember why I chose Julia, but it is beginning to annoy me.

Also, Also Name Suggestions for the Shadow Man would be appreciated.

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