
NaNoWriMo Day 6 and 7= 11,729 words

Yesterday was hard. I don't even want to think about it right now.

Today was golden. I'm caught up to the NaNo word count, but not to my own. I should get there soon though.

I changed from third person limited to first person and everything fell into place. The story works so much better in first person. I have no idea why I tried to force it into 3rd.

I've added in some fun stuff: journal entries, song lyrics, letters, messages written to Julia and from Julia. It has made the writing more fun. The extras have also helped me to figure her out and to get a real sense of the world for the first time.

It's a cruel world, and she is tender girl.

Tomorrow I think she will go to the zoo or aquarium. I'll enjoy writing it and hopefully she will enjoy going.

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